Am Kader vun der Optioun Englesch hutt d’Madamm Barbel mat de Schüler vun der 6P6 een Interview mat der Sous-directrice Diane Reiten preparéiert, an hir Froen iwwert hiren Alldag gestallt. An natierlech gitt dir och nach e puer aner Detailer iwwer si gewuer.
Work and School: Questions by Charel and Dylan
When did you start working at the Lycée du Nord?
I started in the year 2006.
When did you become deputy headmistress at our school?
I’ve been deputy headmistress since 2014.
Have you always wanted to work at a school?
No, I haven’t. I actually wanted to be a journalist.
What time do you get up in the morning? What time do you start work?
I get up at 6 in the morning to shower and to do my hair. I start work at 8 o’clock.
What is a normal day for you at school? Which are your basic activities?
There are no normal days at school, but I usually start by checking my Emails. I sometimes have conversations with teachers, Mr Nowikow or with our students. I have meetings with other people from the head office. On some days, I have phone calls with parents. That’s what my regular day looks like.
What do you like at work? What don’t you like?
I don’t like the stress at work, when the students don’t respect the rules, because then I have more work to do. I prefer moments like this one, being here and talking to you. That is stressless and relaxing.
Private life: Questions by Tom and Shahd
Where did you go to secondary school?
I went to the Lycée Classique Diekirch.
What was your favourite school subject?
In fact, it was English and German.
What did you like most at school when you were a student?
Of course, like you, I liked being with my friends, but I also liked a lot of teachers. We had good times.
What are your favourite activities during your free time?
I like watching TV… I watch a lot of TV and Netflix. But I also like going for walks and swimming.
Favourites: Questions by Melvyn and Tom
What is your favourite food?
(Laughs)… There are so many things. I like pancakes… pancakes with chocolate.
What would you never eat?
I don’t like red meat, like a steak. I would never eat it.
What is your favourite season?
I would say spring.
Do you like spending time in nature?
Yes, I like being outside in nature and going for walks through the forest.
What is your favourite drink?
Hmmm… good question! I like tea, different sorts of tea, but I also like beer. Yeah!
What is your favourite song?
It is a very old song. You probably don’t know it, because you are too young. It is a song called November rain by the band Guns n’ Roses. Do you know Guns n’ Roses?
What is your favourite colour?
Red and white.
What is your favourite film?
Hmmm… There are so many films I like. One example, it’s also an old film you don’t know, it’s called Erin Brockovich and the main actress is called Julia Roberts. Have you already heard of Julia Roberts? (Waits) No? She’s too old, yeah, and I am too old too… Ok… 😉
You decide….. : Questions by Joé, Shahd and Falk
Ice cream or chocolate?
(Sighing)… Chocolate on top of ice cream! No…Ice cream!
Coffee or tea?
Coffee! (Enthusiastic) Coffee is my favourite beverage!
Cinema or TV?
I prefer TV.
Relaxing or sports?
Noooo… Relaxing!
Birthday or Christmas?
Dog or cat?
Definitely a cat! I would always choose cats.
Chocolate spread or jam?
With butter or without?
I always eat it with butter.
Sparkling water or still water?
Still water.
Work or holidays?
Of course holidays!
Book or magazine?
I’d rather read a magazine.
Sweets or fruit?
If I had to choose, then fruit.
Ballpoint pen or fountain pen?
Ballpoint pen.
Morning person or night owl?
I’m definitely a morning person. I go to bed every evening at 8 o’clock.
Last but not least…: Questions by Falk, Charel and Dylan
Be honest, do you play games on your smartphone? If so, which ones?
No, I don’t play games on my smartphone. I don’t even have any games on it.
If I were a genie, which 3 wishes would you make?
Hmmm… I wish I could stop time when I want to, so I could sleep and then continue. I wish that I could eat chocolate without gaining weight, like every supermodel (giggling). As my last wish, I’d choose peace in the world.
Please tell us your favourite joke.
OMG, in English? Hmmm… Two older women are talking to each other. The first one says: “You know, I’m doing the driving license for the bus.” The second one, astonished: “How did you come up with that idea?” First one, plainly: “Well, the doctor said, I couldn’t drive a car anymore and that I had to drive by bus.”
Thank you for the interview! 🙂